DesiPapa Indian Sex Stories

My Fantasy Sex

  • desipapa
  • October 6, 2015

Hello my name be simpleman.This is my very first story.This story will tell you about my fantasy. Let my name in this fantasy and any more to come be Krishna.I am 16yrs old male who has studied till 7th in one of the remote village in bangalore.Since i was in village i had to work in fields and hence had a very stout body. One day an uncle of mine who lives in the city came to our house for a visit.He was extremely sad with the financial condition we were in so he sujested to my father that he should let me work as a house man-maid in city since man-maid`s in city get around Rs 1200/- as there monthly salary long with three meals a day and a place to stay.

He said as a matter of fact he was asked my one of the family that if he can get some helping hand from his village,a week back.He said,if my father agreed then he will send me to their house. The matter ended there.Two day after my uncle left my fater said that i sould be ready to go to the city.Since I knew about our financial difficulties I said yes. After a week or so I was in the city.The very next day I was taken to my owners house and from the very next day onwards I began my job as man-maid.Remember I was still 16yrs.The house was was rented and had two rooms,one was the room where my owners slept and the other was the guest room and I slept in the hall,apart from this there was a kitchen that faced the dinning hall and a verenda and this house was habited by two people namely my owner called Mohan and his wife Shashikala.They have been married for three years and they were quite happy with each other and they were good and reasonable to me as well. My owner use to work as an engineer in one company in the city while his wife worked as high school teacher.Since i was just 16yrs she use to treat me as one of her student,she use to give me some books to read and also use to tell me what to do nicely.

My work in that house was to cut vegetables,to wash cloths and utensiles,clean the house and other household things.With in 15 days i adapted to it very well even my owner were happy hence i got to stay in that house.Every thing was fine for next one month after which i had a problem. Know let me tell you about myself,sexually I have a average body, even my sexual organ is just 6inchs in length and not at all fat.Since i had stay in a village and also in a very small house i knew about sex because my parents use to have sex in front of me even though they thought that i was asleep yet I never knew the pleasure of it till i meet savithri our neighbour in our village.She was the one to whome i lost my virginity just days before i came to the city. So for fifteen day of me being in the city i was busy adapting to it and sex never appeared in my mind at all.As soon as i began to be comfortable with my work i had enough time to thick about sex.I use to dream about the softness of the nipples,the smell of the cunt,the roughness of the clit, the firmness of the bottom and breast,the expression on the face of savithri when i entered her, the sexciting sounds that she and i made when we came and so on… I wanted it all again. Things began to turn on the night of my owner`s birthday.

On that particular night i had to work till 11-30pm as there was lot of cleaning to be down.Lot of alcohol was been used on that night. By the time I went to bed it was 12-15am in the night.As i was laying on my bed i heard some grunting noise from the bedroom whose door open to the hall where i sleep.I got near to that closed door and cavedropped.The very moment i knew what that sounds were.The thing that surprised me was the fact that only my masters voice was heard not of his wife.after around two or three minutes it stopped but i heard my owner saying ” shashi give me 10 more minute and i will do it again” to which shashikala said ” what !!!! will you do it again for”.I felt that there was some anger as well as saddness in my owner wife`s voice. I knew what that voice sounded like,it sounded like the voice that savithri spoke to me when I had sex with her for the very first time wherein i didn`t got an erection at all. That was when i came to know that my mistress didn`t have good sex and that is when i decided to make use of it; but how!!! God is great for a week after this incident my owner was asked by his company to go to another city on work for around a month.To which he left the very next day itself. In my village i never use to wear an underwear instead we use to stick a peice of cloth to cover our genitals.This cloth was struck to a thread tied around our waste.

On this we use to wear a doti.From the day my master left i stopped wearing the peice of cloth that covered my genitals. This was my first step. From the second day onwards i began to be around my mistress as ofen as i could. I used to talk to her as offen i could on her work.I began praseing her for the fact that she works in a school and then comes home and cooks food for every one and hence she was really great.She used to blush and say that atleast you understand me krishna, if only your master understood that.This was the time i made my second move that is i moved behind her on the pretext of getting something from the shelf and as i moved i graced my cock to her butt and said that masters knows it and so does his best to keep her happy.As soon as my cock touched her butt she dragged them back and said ye…….s!!!!!.I took something from the shelf and stood very next her.As we were cooking i noticed here glanceing at my cock as though she has been touched by a cock for the first time. As i have left wearing by under-cloth my cock made an out line on the doti i was wearing.I saw that there was some variation in the way she was breathing.After few minutes i took hold of the thing that i have taken from the shelf few momemts ago thus sending a message to her that i will be keep it back i saw her restlessly pushing her butt backward a little that was when i thought that i can seduce her.Asking ” madam are you not happy with your husband`s…”purposely i stopped and went behind her,this time i neatly brushed my cock to her butt and she didn`t even pulled them back” husband`s what”she trembled.

My cock was in her ass crack,it was soo soft that i began to get excited. ” The efforts that he makes to make you happy ” i said.She must have felt my excitement suddenly she went out of kitchen say she has something to look for in her bedroom. After 10 minutes she came back.She seems to have regained her composure.I knew that this was all for know. After breakfast she left for her work and i started our house hold corous and also began to think as to what to do next. On comeing back from her work she called for me and handed over a book to me to read. It was a fiction.I thanked her and said that her students must me really lucky to have a teacher like her.” why do you say that”,she asked.” Because i once had a teacher who was rude and never cared about her student and was ugly looking to”, i said.” When was that” she asked.” In my 7th standard,She never use to teach and only thing she knew was to punish and punish, more harshly than another”, i said.” She was ugly you say” she said,” yes”.” so I am beautiful that what you mean” she smiled.I just looked at the ground and said ” yes and you are so sweet and careing too” i said and immediatly walked to the back door. I walked out of the back door of the house to get the cloths that was put to dry.Their again i got a idea.I took all the dried cloths to the hall were my mistress was sitting and dumped them on the teapoy and began to fold then up one by one.Suddenly i exclaimed ” madam i think that somebody is stealing our cloth “.”

Why do you say that” she asked. ” your underwears are missing” i said looking as concerned as possible.” how can you say that they are missing i may not have woren it at all and hence i may not have put them to wash” she questioned.As soon as she said that i knew that i have caught her and my answer was ready ” no no i knew that you had them when you went to work yester……” i stopped and looked at the ground.I was just waiting for her respone and it turned out to be what i expected it to be,” you creep,on wonder that your teacher was rude, did she wear her`s to ” she smiled. suddenly she was serious again. She went to her room and after around 15 minutes came back fully dressed.She said that she had a party to attended tonight and with in few minutes she left for it.At around 10:00pm she came back.She seems to be tensed.She switched on the TV and just kept gaiseing at it.The moment i saw her i knew that there was something wrong.” Had your food” she asked ” yes madam”;”good”.” what`s wrong madam” i asked.” nothing, am i rude or misbehaved,krishna” she asked.” not at all, you are the most wounderful woman i have met madam” i said.” IF my in-law`s does not come to my house,is it because of me” she asked.” it sure not because of you madam,I have seen woman but i have not seen any woman who is so lovable,compassionate like you” i said and saying so i went near her and sat down to her left.I had folded my doti as i walked towards her and since i was sitting i knew that i was exposing my geniatal to her view.” yo…u are muc..h better that my husban..d” she said then got up and ran to bathroom.After few seconds i heard her vomitting,I looked up and praised the lad,why…?, you will know.

After few minutes my mistress came back.I walked up to her ” are you alright!;my god,please don`t harm her” i said.” You like me don`t you krishna, I think I am ill”, she said.She just went to her room and called out to me and as i approched her room she said that she may have some fever and so she wanted me to sleep in room itself.I went close to her and touched her neck and let the readers know that this was the first time that i touched my mistress.” My god you have a fever,you just sleep and i will take care of the rest” saying so i laid her on her bed and covered her with a sheet.I then ran to the hall and rang up for the family doctor.In half an hour the doctor was in our house.He examined her and said that she has been food poisened.He then put a pipe into her mouth,mixed a power in the water and poured into this pipe and with in seconds i saw my mistress vomiting. After she has finished vomiting the doctor said that she is out of danger but fever will be there for next day or two due to infection so he hand over 9 tablets to me and said to me to call him tommorrow and to give these pills thrice a day for next two day.I said i will;said fairwell to him.As soon as he left i was excited to the core not for the reason that i can fuck my mistress when she was unconsious but for the fact i can act,mind you,act to take care of her. For the next day i was always beside her and also the next day. on the third day she began to recover.During these two day she had said ” why don`t you sleep” more than 10 time and i use to say ” you get well and then i will sleep” and as soon as i finished this sentence i use to smile for myself. In these two day i have taken care of her as a mother or let me say i acted as a mother who takes care of her child.On the third afternoon she was almost recovered.

She took a warm bath and laid down on the bed.She called for me and said ” Why don`t you sleep too krishna and one more thing i am very oblidge to you for the way you have taken care of me,to my knowledge there is no one who can take care of me like you did,other than my father”. ” It is nothing at all madam,any way you are my mistress and also such a lovable woman” i smiled.” You are a very good man krishna” she said.” No madam I am your slave and have done what has to me done,that`s all” i said. “Some day i will return your debt,somehow I will” she said.” It is not neccessary madam,Let you consider my service to you as a worship for a godness and nothing more” i said.You are such a man she said and continued” Krishna will you go out for a while”.” Why madam”i asked.” I got to remove my bar and panties as they are sticking to my skin and makeing me uncomfortable” she smiled ” after that you can come back and sleep in my room” she said but while she said these thing i saw her breathing heavly and looking and me seductively.” yes madam” I smiled yet I knew that my seduction as come to an end and the fish is to be caught in the net.For few minutes i was out of the room i thought that i was one of the greatest seducer of all the time. ” you can come in now” my mistress said.I walked in and looked at her,she smiled;i said “have you changed” i asked,she just smiled and laid down on the bed and covered herself with a bedsheet.I laid down on the mat below and also covered myself with a bedsheet. For atleast one hour i remained in slience.During this time i reminded myself that i have not had sex for whole month and tonight if chance arises i shouldn`t haste instead act calmly or else i will ruien all the effort done so far. After about one hour or so i got up and crawled towards my mistress.I saw that the bedsheet that covered her has been folded still her chest.Initially i had my apprehensions against touching her but i knew that this was my only chance to act.I didn`t touch her breast at all instead i moved the hair that covered her face aside.I smoothly ran my fingures on her chicks;if you wonder where i learnt all this,then let me say that it was from savithri,she use to say that sex to a female is not at all physical by an emotional and that you should show her that you can love her;before you fuck her.I knew that then and i know it now.

Then i caressed her eyes;then her lips.I kissed her chin and licked it.All this time i knew that my mistress was awake. I took here palm in my hand and try to enjoy it but i could not see it properly hence i got up switched on the bedlamp and got back to the work i was doing at.I kissed all her fingures and bit a few.I knew she was awake but was pretending to be asleep.I wanted her to be awake so that she can enjoy what all i do to her without any i kissed her neck and pinched her nipples,she reacted with a grunt,i pulled away but slightly pulled my hand of her breast that was when she opened her eye. suddenly she caught my plam opened the zip of her housecoat and pushed my plam inside it and on to her breast.” I want you to enjoy me” she said.I had never learnt to kiss as i was from a village and so i just pecked on her lips. My black skin against her`s fair skin reminded me that i was about to do a thing that only few has ever done in this country.It felt like a queen getting excited my the hardness of the cock of an slave and getting fucked by it without the knowledge of the king. I just got up and removed all my cloths.I saw her looking at my cock for a while and suddenly turning away from it.I knew that she was not yet ready.I sat beside her completely nude.” Madam do you want me to go on” i asked and slowly pulled her hands on my cock.She had turned her head to the other side yet took hold of my cock and said ” i don`t know “.” If you don`t want it then i will not continue it madam,for me your love and affection are important not the sex” I said. She turned around and i saw tears in her eyes ” that`s the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me” said she and gripped my cock tightly.I bent down and kissed her cheecks.she embrassed me and wispered ” i WANT you krishna”.” i am yours,all of me along with the thing that you are holding in your hand ” i smiled, so did she.” i am your slave i will do anything that you ask me to do at any time” i said.As soon as i said that there was a sinfull look in her face and then it turned devilish.She just smiled ” anything you say” she said.”yes”,She smiled and closed her eyes and turned her head away.This was the signal that i was waitting for; complete submission.I caressed my mistress boobs to find out if she was hot;that she was,her nipples was already hard. i smiled and said” you are all hot “.She just nodded her head.I kissed behind her ears and followed down;bit her right nipples from above her nighty.Her body shaked and Hmmmmmmmmmmm…. escaped from her lips.I got up,turned towards her legs and bent down to lift her nighty.

As i slowly began to lift her nighty i saw her smiling and as soon her upper thigh was exposed she closed her face with her hand and turned her body away from me in such a way that her back was towards me.I looked at her thigh which was all hairless and fair.So far i have seen thigh that was bit hairy and brown in colour.I kneeled down in front of her back thigh which was fair in colour.I ran my hand on it and it felt so good that i couldn`t resist the temptation of bitting it so i just bit it.again Hmmmmmmmmmm…….. from my mistress.I felt that she likes it and so continued do it;each time i bit her Hmmmmmmmmmm…… escaped for her mouth.I bit my way toward her ass and when i placed my hand on her ass and press it she said Hoooooooo….. the ass was really tempting they were big,firm,fair and smooth.The black asscrack looked so devilish that i could not resist any longer yet i controlled myself.I licked along the asscrack with pointed tongue while i press her ass as hard as possible. Hey………. su….. and suddenly she turned such that she was completely on her stomach.I couldn`t bear that sexy voice so I quickly pulled the nighty till her neck.” leave it i will remove” she said without turning towards me; she removed it.She was completely nude that to in front of a servant and her body and mind longing to have his dick.Still i was not able to see her front yet those black lush hair on her fair and smooth skin;with firm and big ass was so enchanting and irrestiable.I just jumped on her back pushed her hair aside and kissed the back side of her neck.I then sat up with both the legs on either side of her body and began to caress her back.I ran my semihard cock on the asscrack and said ” will you turn around or do you want me to do in you ass” saying so i pushed my cock into asscrack.” NOOOOOOOOOO……” saying so she suddenly turned around.As she turned around i saw that the face was all turned red and excited and she was breathing heavly.Her eyes were full of passion.” You are so young” saying so she caressed my chest and pinched my nipples i closed my eyes and said haaaaa….. she began to run her hands on my thigh. I pulled her hands on to my cock and looked at her.” Hooo…. that`s nice,dose this young thing work” she smiled.” I think it will ” i said.”

Show me how it works ” saying so she spread her legs.I glanced down and moved my hand on to her cunt.There was lot of hair on her cunt.” Their`s a forest down here” i said.” And also a treasure if only you knew to take it ” she said.” Let me see ” say so i moved between her legs.She spread her legs even wider.There was indeed lot of hair on her cunt such that her cunt was hardly visible.I kissed on pubis and spread her outer labia to see a red cunt with a ting of black.She was hot and her clit was already hard.I flicked at her clit with my thumb.Her body jrecked “Hoooo…. krishna do that again” she said seductively I did it again but with my tongue she jrecked again ” what! hoo…. you eat hoo…. do eat my cunt yes.. that`s it take it in you mouth” she screamed.” i began to suck on her clit. she seem to like it so much that she began to push her cunt into my face.I just looked up to see my mistress press her own boobs as roughly as possible and pulling her nipples.Her state of estacy was so exciting for me that without any knowledge i just bit her clit.”Yes….. baby bit it yes…” she wishpered ” nibble on it baby nibble” she continued.I began to nibble on her clit.I put my fingure into her cunt and searched for the g-spot.” Hooooo… you are my man” she said ” do me baby do me Yes….. that`s it put that fingure in, yes there yes… rub that spot yes… faster yes…. bit my clit yes….. yes…..yes…. there rub it harder ho…god yes yes faster yes yes……….goooooooooooooood” she began to move her ass faster and faster and then suddely a grunt and slowed down.I knew that she has cum.i got up and layed beside her on bed and slowly rubbed her cunt.She was breathing heavly and had closed her eyes.After a minute or so she turned towards me and kissed me on my lips,ear,neck and embrassed me.” you are the right servant to my little cunt” she said ” you had me cum i had not cum from so many days”.She then glanced at my cock which was semihard and said ” poor baby here let mom take care of it for you”.She bent down and began to look at my cock.She began to run her fingures on it and play with the ball.With in second it was hard.” Hoooooo…… Attention ” she said then she kissed its head and licked at the pee-hole.” madam not now or else i will cum let me first ‘do that’ ” i said.”

The officer wants to fire at the target first “she said.I smiled and climbed onto her.She took hold of my cock and pointed it towards her`s and i pushed a bit and it was in.All was wet inside and my cock went in smoothly. “Hmmmmmm….. you are bit long” she said.I slowly began to move in and out of her.For a minute or two she just caressed my back and my ass.I knew she was not enjoying it much and so i put my hand below her boby and began to roughly squeeze her back ” hooooo my baby that`s nice do that again” she wisphered into my ears.I began to grunt and she must have thought that i was about to cum.” yes put your seeds in my cunt in your mistress cunt put it in me krishna don`t worry ” she wisphered.I increased my pace and began to Ram my cock into her.It must have be 5 minutes or so when suddenly i heard my mistress say” oh my god no…… Yes baby faster faster you are makeing me cum again holy shit do it faster”.She began to move her ass to meet my strock and it kept on increasing.I could not hold on longer and screamed” i am cumm….ing ” ” yes i am tooo…. baby a bit longer yess faster hoo…. cummmminnnnnggg ” she screamed amd pushed her ass right up and squeezed by ass as hard as possible and that made the trick and i to began to cum. I just rammed my cock hard into she for four to five time and stopped.I knew that she too had cum.We just slept on each other till we began to breath normally.she kissed on my lips and said ” i am all your`s, my legs are open to you any time of the day or night my man. I am happy that this happened or else my life would have been a waste.You are a real man krishna”.” Thanks I will be at your service any time;Your wish is my command” i said and got up she looked at my nude body and stood up to me and kissed me on my forehead.” you can sleep with me itself krishna” she said. ” Thanks madam,but i like to take a pee first” i said and went towards the bathroom.” here let me help the fatigue soldier” she said and followed me to the bathroom.In the bathroom she stood behind me took my cock and pointed it towards the camode and said shuuuu….. I smiled and peed.

Then it was her turn.She asked me to stand beside her while she peed. As we were both tried we went to sleep together,on the same bed completely nude.In the morning when i woke up she was not beside me.I heard some sounds from the kitchen.I wore my dothi and walked towards kitchen.She looked at me and smiled.She lifted her nighty till her waste and showed me her cunt and said”no body licked me their and so i never shaved but now you are here and so look” .It was very nice to look at her bald cunt.I went up to her,put my hand on her cunt and caressed it and kissed her neck and removed my dothi and showed my hard on.” Hey not now..” before she could finish that i was on my knee licking her cunt. Please do sent you letter of appreciation or anything else and any wowan in bangalore who like to have free-sex and tele-sex mail me at Your`s simpleman.

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